Additional Components
Speech Therapy
One of the greatest areas of regression during the summer can be communication skills.
That's why our trained staff works with children throughout the day to expand their receptive and expressive language use. Concepts and vocabulary are enhanced through special events and theme days as well as during regular planned and structured activities.
Communication skills are maintained and expanded through coaching and practice. Receptive, expressive, and pragmatic communication skills are reinforced throughout the day.
A full-time speech therapist provides speech group time for Bright Beginnings and Lower Camp groups and can provide individual speech therapy for all ages.
Occupational Therapy
Our program is specifically designed to develop and enhance fine and gross motor development.
Sensory motor integration is part of daily life at Harbor Haven through a wide range of activities. With a full-time OT on the premises, we provide group therapy for Bright Beginnings and Lower Camp groups.
Our program strategically coordinates opportunities for campers to develop fine and gross motor skills in daily activities and throughout the summer.
Our OT can provide individual OT campers at any age. Physical therapy can be arranged upon request.